Meet us.
Our key leadership at Crude Processing International offers over 40 years combined experience to resolve and mitigate your oilfield liquid waste needs. We’ve literally been called “the oilfield sewer system,” a moniker we are proud of as it clearly describes how we better serve our customers
Scott Roberts
Division Manager
Scott leads our operations managers across all of our locations. Along with being our point man for our condensate side of business, he is also our oil marketer. Scott is a certified Radioactive Safety Officer and has been with CPI since 2013. Scott resides in Williston, ND
Tim Corrie
Operations Manager, Main Alexander Facility
Tim leads our day-to-day plant operations at our North Alexander Facility, Oil LACT, Blending Facility & Saltwater disposal wells. He is also our certified corporate Radioactive Safety Officer across all locations. Tim has been with CPI since 2013 and has over 10 years of experience. Tim resides in Williston, ND
Daniel Dominic
Operations Manager, South Alexander Facility
Daniel leads our day-to-day crude oil marketing for our facilities. He has been with CPI since 2023 and has 12 years of crude oil marketing & trading experience. Daniel resides in Denver, CO.
Dustin Rykhus
Operations Manager, Johnsons Corner & New Town Facility
Dustin leads our day-to-day plant operations at our Johnson's Corner facility as well as our New Town Facility. Dustin has been with CPI since 2013 and has over 10 years of experience. Dustin resides in Alexander, ND

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